



NAVIGATOR is our learning platform to facilitate knowledge acquisition for any content or skill. The platform carries out a gap analysis between an individual’s current knowledge and goals, mapping their existing skills, knowledge, credentials, and traits to the desired outcome. It creates a customized pathway toward the required steps to bridge the gaps. NAVIGATOR meets learners where they are and helps them get where they are going by following the most effective route.

We understood that there is a myriad of solutions, most of which have been developed by technologists. Educators and training and workforce development experts created our platform. They best understand the chasm between a training platform, customers who want to deliver content, and the learners. That is why we provide a full range of services to support the end goals of those offering training and skill building.

We can provide instructional design to ensure the maximum impact of our customer’s training efforts. We understand that our customers must integrate their learning platforms with other tools for compliance or to incorporate them into a comprehensive communication strategy. We can help with IT integrations to facilitate the seamless use of the technology in the most suitable way for our customer’s end goals.


A SINGLE SOLUTION TO  Benefit ALL Your Stakeholders

> Serve customers and employees

> Create personalized experiences

> Ensure consistency and monitor progress

> Faster time to productivity

> Reduce training creation and delivery costs

> Integrate with other common applications

> Increase engagement with professional instructional support

Benefits of Software


Personalized educational pathways that meet learners where they are and help them get where they are going following
the most efficient route.

Recude time to competency

Pathways are customized so learners do not spend time with content they already master.

Lower cost of skill development

Use of public domain resources whenever possible and process automation results in cost effective training.

learn how hexis can upskill your workforce

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